Vinícius Bertozzi - Wish I Was There

Where do you truly wanted to be right now?

Where is the place
You feel comfortable with your body
Your thoughts, your voice, your beliefs?

Where there's no people judging you
For being who you are, who you like
Or for looking like you do

Where everyone respect and love themselves
But, most importantly, you respect and love yourself

Where the traumas you have
Don't define who you are
Neither they hurt you

Where your mind is strong enough
To realise that what you think it's your flaw
Actually it's what makes you unique

Where is this place you accept yourself
When you cannot achieve your goals
And are willing to keep trying and trying
But if eventually you change your mind it's ok too?

I don't know where this place is
So I think I'm gonna start creating it right now

Come with me